Arogya Jeewan

Arogya Jeewan

Adharaniya vega (non suppresible natural urges)

Ayurveda mentions thirteen types of natural urges in the body which should not be suppressed. These are the natural calls of body, which are important for a person to attend to, as and when they appear in order to maintain the harmony of body and senses, stabilize the body, and eliminate an element which might cause imbalance.1

The thirteen non-suppressible natural urges are:1

  1. Micturition reflex (Mootra/ urine ): Suppression of the urge for micturition causes pain in bladder, dysuria, headache and distension of the lower abdomen. Suppression may also cause several types of stress disorders like incontinence. 
  2. Defecation reflex (Pureesha): If one holds the urge for defecation, it causes colic pain, headache, retention of feces, retention of flatus, distension of abdomen, wind formation, and cramps in the calf muscles. Ignoring these causes constipation which is considered to be the root cause of most of the ailments. Major diseases like blood pressure, diabetes, poor vision among children, skin problems, piles, acid reflux, migraine, headache, back pain, fatigue, indigestion are all caused due to imbalance of air element in the body i.e. Vata vitiation. Ignoring defecation reflex may lead to enhanced ageing process because of destruction caused by imbalanced Vata dosha. 
  3. Seminal discharge reflex (Retas): Suppression of the urge to discharge semen causes pain in the phallus and testicles, malaise, pain in cardiac region and retention of urine. Suppression of sexual desires causes nervous diseases like neurosis and psychological mal-development. 
  4. Flatus passing reflex (Vata): If one suppresses the urge for passing flatus, it causes retention of feces, retention of urine, retention of flatus, distension of abdomen, fatigue, pain in stomach, and other abdominal diseases caused by vitiation of vata. 
  5. Vomiting reflex (Chardi): The diseases caused by the suppression of the urge for vomiting are pruritus, urticaria, Loss of desire to eat, Hyper pigmentation on face, oedema, anemia, fever, skin diseases, nausea, and erysipelas. 
  6. Sneezing reflex (Kshavadhu): Suppression of the urge to sneeze may cause ailments like torticollis, headache, facial paralysis, Hemicrania, weakness of the sense organs. A suppressed sneeze could cause injury to the diaphragm, problems in eye and ear that could lead to hearing loss, weaken a blood vessel in the brain and cause it to rupture due to the momentary elevation of blood pressure. 
  7. Eructation or belching reflex (Udgara): Suppression of eructation may causes hiccough, dyspnea, loss of desire to eat, tremor, Constipation, obstacles in the proper functioning of heart and lungs. 
  8. Yawning reflex (Jhrumbha): Suppression of yawning causes bending of body, convulsion (involuntary body movements), contractions, numbness, tremor and shaking of the body.
  9. Hunger reflex (Kshudha): By suppressing hunger, one may subject himself to emaciation, weakness, change in bodily complexion, Fatigue, anorexia, and giddiness. 
  10. Thirst reflex (Trishna): Suppression of thirst causes dryness of throat and mouth, Temporary loss of hearing, exhaustion, weakness, cardiac pain. Drink water frequently and hydration will become easier. You’ll also see benefits to the whole body and your health on a physical and mental level. 
  11. Tears reflex (Baspa): If you suppress tears, you may get running nose, eye diseases, heart diseases, anorexia, vertigo and giddiness. Holding back the tears also blocks the emotions which can lead to mental worry, depression and irritation. 


  1. Mahesh Chand Gupta et al, A critical review on Adharaniya vegas (Un holding natural urges), International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, Volume 3; Issue 5; May 2016; Page No. 133-135.
  1. Charak Samhita of Agnivesha. Vidhyotini Hindi Vyakhya- Sastry K & Chaturvedi G – Editors. Chaukhambha Bharati Academy, Varanasi 221001. Reprint 2011.
  2. Astanga samgraha. Chaukhambha Bharati Academy, Varanasi 221001. Reprint 2011.