Ayurveda Aur Hum

Ayurveda Aur Hum

Trimala The Three Types of Body Wastes

Ayurveda believes that diseases or illnesses can also be caused by imbalances in the waste removal systems of the body.[i] The body primarily produces three types of waste products or malas, which are together known as Trimala. These are Purisha (faeces) – which is solid waste or balance of digestive fire; Mutra (urine) and Sveda (sweat or water balance) – which are liquid wastes. The production and removal of these wastes in a channelled way is absolutely necessary and vital to maintain a healthy body and mind.[ii] Waste products other than the Trimala include tears, spit, oily secretions from the skin and other secretions from the sexual organs.[iii]

Importance of the Trimala

Malas help to maintain and regulate daily functions of the organs. If balance between the Tridoshas, i.e. vata, pitta and kapha, is not maintained, the malas or waste products of the body are not effectively eliminated from the body, which lead to health complications as explained below:2,3

Faeces (purisha) provide support and maintain tone of the large intestine, as well as maintain the temperature of the intestines. Impaired functioning can lead to Vayu related illness like worry, fear, nervousness, headaches, gas and constipation. Functioning of the faeces is damaged by excessive use of laxatives, worry, and fear. It is also damaged by excessive travel, eating incorrect foods, oversleeping, coffee, drugs, antibiotics, insufficient exercise, and prolonged diarrhoea.

Urine (mutra) expels water and other wastes from the body. Poor urine elimination results in bladder pain or infections, difficult urination or kidney stones, fever, thirst, dry mouth, or dehydration. Alcohol, injury, fear, excessive sex or limited liquid intake can damage it.

Sweat (sveda) controls the body temperature by expelling excess water and toxins, moistening the skin and hair, carrying excess fat from the body, and purifying the blood and cooling the body. Excess sweating can cause skin diseases (usually Pitta related) like eczema (rough & patchy skin), boils, fungus, burning skin, dehydration, tiredness, or fits (Vayu related). Reduced sweating can result in stiff hair, skin patches, dry skin, dandruff, wrinkles. Too much dry food, lack of salt, excessive or little exercise and excess sweating damage the sweating functions.


  1. Lad V. Ayurveda: The science of self-healing: A practical guide. Lotus press; 1984.
  2. Jaiswal YS, Williams LL. A glimpse of Ayurveda–The forgotten history and principles of Indian traditional medicine. Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine. 2016 Feb 28.
  3. Tirtha SS. The Ayurveda encyclopedia: Natural secrets to healing, prevention, and longevity. Sat Yuga Press; 2007.