Ayurvedic treatment for What is Arrythmias

What is Arrythmias

Know More on Cardiology

What is Arrythmias Ayurvedic treatment


Arrhythmia simply means the heart is not beating in its natural rhythm. Either it is beating too quickly, too slowly, or in an irregular pattern.1 Arrythmia is usually a sign of some underlying cardiac pathology. If properly diagnosed, most people with arrhythmia can lead a normal life.2, 3

Arrhythmia can be classified as a disorder arising due to vitiation of Tridoshas. Imbalanced Vata can be irregular in nature thereby causing irregular heartbeats. Pitta is higher in pace and aggressive in nature causing heart to beat at a higher pace. Kapha is slow and low in movements causing heart to beat at a slower pace.3

Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Do not use this information to diagnose or ayurvedic treatment of cardiology and/or arrythmias without consulting the doctor. Consult your physician before beginning an exercise regime. "While we have products /ayurvedic medicines for cardiology and/or arrythmias, you must consult an authorized physician before taking any of the products. For more information on products, visit www.dabur.com or call 1800-103-1644"

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