Ayurvedic treatment for Ayurvedic Tips for Diabetes in elderly-old people

Ayurvedic Tips for Diabetes in elderly-old people

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Ayurvedic Tips for Diabetes in elderly-old people


To diagnose diabetes, the doctor may perform one or more of the following tests:

  • Glycated hemoglobin (A1C) test: Calculates average blood sugar level for the past 2-3 months
  • Fasting blood sugar test: Calculates blood sugar levels after an overnight fast
  • Oral glucose tolerance test: Calculates fasting blood sugar level at empty stomach, followed by drinking of sugary liquid and periodic testing for blood sugar levels for the next 2 hours.

Once diagnosed, A1C levels should be checked 2-4 times a year. In addition, the doctor will advise for routine blood and urine examinations periodically to check for cholesterol levels, thyroid function, liver function and kidney function. Blood pressure checking along with regular eye and foot examinations are also important.

Diet Recommendations (Aahar)

  • Increase intake of barley, wheat, green gram (mudga) and bengal gram (chana) in diet.
  • Have herbs like gokshura, gudmar, triphalá, musta, cardamom, fenugreek, or coriander, mixed with honey.
  • Include vegetables such as green banana, chaulee, dwarf copperleaf (matsyakhshi), methi (fenugreek leaves) and bitter gourd.
  • Include fruits such as orange, watermelon, apple, jambu, kapitha and amla.
  • In foods, include oils such as soyabean oil, groundnut oil, and mustard oil.
  • Have karela juice or white pumpkin 20-30 ml on an empty stomach.
  • Regularly have methi seeds soaked overnight in water.
  • Avoid sugar, sugar products, rice, potato, ghee, butter, fat, regular oil, fermented food items, alcohol, urad (blackgram), rajma (kidney beans) and other heavy items.

Lifestyle changes (Vihar)

  • Exercise for at least 30-60 minutes every day. Walking or swimming is an excellent option.
  • Avoid sleeping during the day and being lazy.
  • Improve personal hygiene, especially of feet and hands.
  • Avoid injuries and immediately consult your doctor in case of injuries and skin infections.
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol intake.
  • Adopt yoga as a part of your exercise regime. Certain yoga postures are known to stimulate pancreas (organ that makes insulin) and improve its function leading to better management of diabetes. Some yoga poses that are good for diabetics have been given below. It is better to do yoga in the presence of a qualified yoga person.

Kati Chakrasana































http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-DG8WM0mRHcg/Vo0a3EXEPjI/AAAAAAAANuc/-CJssBeYf6I/s1600/surya%2Bbhedana%2Bpranayam.jpg Suryabhedana pranayama

Close your left nostril with the help of ring finger of your right hand, inhale from the right nostril, then close the right nostril as well and count 10, open the left nostril and exhale from it very slowly. This process should be repeated a few times.

Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Do not use this information to diagnose or ayurvedic treatment of diabetes and/or diabetes in elderly/old people without consulting the doctor. Consult your physician before beginning an exercise regime. "While we have products /ayurvedic medicines for diabetes and/or diabetes in elderly/old people, you must consult an authorized physician before taking any of the products. For more information on products, visit www.dabur.com or call 1800-103-1644"

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