Ayurvedic treatment for Ayurvedic Treatment for Hair loss

Ayurvedic Treatment for Hair loss

Know More on Hair Health

Ayurvedic Treatment for Hair loss

HAIR LOSS Ayurvedic Treatment

There are several tests to help confirm the diagnosis of hair loss:

  • Blood test – to detect medical conditions related to hair loss, such as thyroid disease.
  • Pull test – pulling several dozen hairs to check the amount of hair coming out.
  • Scalp biopsy – to check whether an infection is causing hair loss.
  • Light microscopy – to uncover possible disorders of the hair shaft.

Diet Recommendations (Aahar)

  • Protein rich foods will help prevent hair fall and baldness. Include foods such as eggs, beans fish, low fat cheese, yeast, soybean, and yoghurt which will help in proper hair growth.
  • Increased intake of iron as it is essential for hemoglobin and blood formation. Increase the quantity of raisins, dates, green vegetables, etc.
  • Avoid foods responsible for thinning of like spicy, sugary foods, fried foods, caffeine, carbonated drinks, etc.
  • A lettuce and spinach juice helps in encouraging hair growth.

Lifestyle changes (Vihar)

  • Hair washing should be done with Amla and Shikakai
  • Hair loss can be prevented by oiling and massaging the scalp. Coconut oil should be used on the scalp at least three times in a week.
  • Regular bowel movement is necessary. For constipation, a mild natural laxative can be used.
  • Aggravated doshas can be managed by regular exercise.
  • Increase in blood circulation and activation of sebaceous glands can be obtained by rubbing scalp after a hair wash.
  • Juice of green coriander leaves applied on the head is beneficial.
  • Paste of cooked green gram and fenugreek should be applied on the hair for two to three times a week.

Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Do not use this information to diagnose or ayurvedic treatment of hair-health and/or hair loss without consulting the doctor. Consult your physician before beginning an exercise regime. "While we have products /ayurvedic medicines for hair-health and/or hair loss, you must consult an authorized physician before taking any of the products. For more information on products, visit www.dabur.com or call 1800-103-1644"

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