Ayurvedic treatment for What is Split ends

What is Split ends

Know More on Hair Health

What is Split ends Ayurvedic treatment


Split end is a common damage of hair when a single hair splits into two at the bottom of the strand.1 Lack of hair nourishment /moisture due to various environmental factors such as pollution and use of harmful chemicals and poor nutrition can lead to damaged hair with split ends.2

According to Ayurveda, hair is a byproduct of bone formation; the tissue which is responsible for bone formation is also responsible for the hair growth. Healthy hair is a symbol of balanced dosha in body and good overall health.3

Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Do not use this information to diagnose or ayurvedic treatment of hair-health and/or split ends without consulting the doctor. Consult your physician before beginning an exercise regime. "While we have products /ayurvedic medicines for hair-health and/or split ends, you must consult an authorized physician before taking any of the products. For more information on products, visit www.dabur.com or call 1800-103-1644"

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